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PAFMC at the Polish Air Force Day exhibition

14 May 2024

PAFMC at the Polish Air Force Day exhibition

The Polish Air Force Memorial Committee was among the exhibitors at the Polish Air Force Day exhibition held at the Battle of Britain bunker, Uxbridge on Saturday 11 May. The exhibition was organised by a collaboration of the Polish Heritage Flight, the London Borough of Hillingdon Battle of Britain Bunker and We Have Ways Podcast/Independent Company. 


PAFMC used the opportunity to exhibit its new display panel and Trustees were on hand to help with visitor enquiries and to sell merchandise. In addition to individual displays there were organised tours of the RAF’s 11 Group underground bunker and talks in the auditorium. These included “Airdrop for the Warsaw Uprising” by Alina Nowobilska and one entitled “For your Freedom and Ours; The Polish Air Force during WW2” by PAFMC Trustee and former Chairman Richard Kornicki.


The event was also used to unveil a nameplate “303 SQUADRON” which will be added to the Battle of Britain class locomotive currently being restored by Southern Locomotives Ltd. The nameplate was unveiled by PAFMC Chairman Krzysztof de Berg. It will be fitted to the locomotive and officially unveiled on 1 September at the Spa Valley Railway, Tunbridge Wells. It will stay on the locomotive during next year’s 85th anniversary year of the Battle of Britain, after which it will be replaced with the original “SIR KEITH PARK” nameplate.




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